Brochos With The Kinder Velt Book

Brochos With The Kinder Velt

Tatti and Mommy, the family all near,

Teach us a lesson that's simple and clear:

Before we eat, a bracha we say,

To thank Hashem in every way.

All that we have, He made with care,

So we remember, a blessing to share.

For every meal, both big and small,

We thank Hashem, the giver of all.

The Kinder Velt book "Brachos" will instill in children a deeper understanding that everything that grows and everything we have in this world comes from Hashem alone, and things don't simply grow in the grocery store. We have organized the book according to the various types of Brochos: Brochos of Food, Brochos for mitzvos, Brochos of thanks, and also the Brochos for all Yomim Tovim. This will instill in children a deep love and reverence for Hashem.

Large format hardcover storybook with heavy laminated pages is perfect for children. They can act out the story with their Kinder Velt menchees as you read outloud to them.

Perfect for children ages 2-7 years.

Includes Birchas Hamazon in back of the book.Â